(major) German-Chinese cases

(major) German-Chinese cases

(major) German-Chinese cases

Our focus is on legal consulting for, and the legal representation of ecommerce sellers, cross border logistic companies, manufacturers and Chinese investors. In addition, we support western investors, who want to realize projects in China and western buyers when establishing relations to sellers in China and to buy goods.
Complex cases require not only legal knowledge and deep experience, but industry knowledge. Our work is characterized by extensive industry knowledge in the sectors of ecommerce, logistics, and production and by intimate knowledge of Sino-German business relations. We know the processes, and we are intimately familiar with the inherent problems and solutions to our clients’ business dealings within their respective industries and countries of operations. This knowledge can be decisive in cases.
Our client list features some of Chinas leading companies to date, medium-sized Chinese companies, small Chinese companies, start-ups, the CEOs of leading Chinese companies and other individuals.
We are able to communicate with you in German, English and Chinese.
Fields of Competence
VAT law
We provide legal consulting on VAT as well as legal representation with tax authorities (in court activity and out of court activity).
Customs law
We provide legal consulting on customs law, as well as legal representation with customs authorities (in court activity and out of court activity).
Commercial Criminal Law
We offer criminal defence services in preliminary proceedings and criminal proceedings in cases in particular with focus on taxes (especially VAT), customs, and product-specific criminal offenses, e.g., violation of the German Medicines Act (in court activity and out of court activity). Our cases have a strong international dimension. We represent both individuals and companies in preliminary and criminal proceedings.
We provide legal consulting with regard to legal risks, identification of legal risks in business processes, preparation of reports, development of practical solutions to ensure compliance.
We provide the design and framework of commercial contracts, distribution contracts, logistics contracts and fulfilment contracts as well as legal consulting and negotiations in this context.
Litigation and out of court activity
Persecution of private law claims and defence against civil law claims.
Investment, M&A, Corporate
We specialise in strategic legal consulting on investments in Germany by foreign investors, especially from China.
Those services include, but are not limited to, contractual design, consulting and negotiations in the context of M&A transactions and trust agreements.
Product safety law, product regulations
Immigration Law
Legal Advice and representation in cases of business immigration of Chinese clients to Germany.
Consumer protection law
Data protection law
Unfair competition law
Defending against legal warnings (Abmahnungen).
Trademark law/IP law
Registering various trademarks at EUIPO and DPMA (Germany). Defending ecommerce sellers against the accusation of trademark infringement or IP infringement against platform operators.
Labor Law
A. LEGAL CLASSIFICATION AS FOOD Nicotine pouches are considered food under case law and are measured against food regulations. “Nicotine pouches’ (tobacco-free nicotine pouches for oral use) are likely to be ‘foodstuffs‘ within the meaning of Article 2(1) of Regulation (EC) 178/2002. Their essential ingredients, which in addition to nicotine
Delimitation Controller and Processor according to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR)
The legal question is, if service providers, who provide services not with the focus of data processing (like logistic services/fulfilment services) are considered as Processors (Art. 4 No. 8 GDPR) or Controllers (Art. 4 No. 7 GDPR). This question was neglected so far by legislator, authorities and courts so far.
Notes on the Impact of the Regulation (EU) 2019/1020
on market surveillance and compliance of products for Logistic Companies A. Norm AddresseesNorm addressees of the regulation (EU) 2019/1020 (hereinafter: “regulation”) are economic operators according to Art. 3 (13). Economic operators are a manufacturer (definition in Article 3 (8)) established in the EU (Article 4 Section 2. (a)), an importer